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Project Discussion

Alex Velazquez, Amer Samad, Tarush Vig, Dania Azhari

Alex Velazquez

We liked how there was a pretty consistent design, where you have one chart on top, but the rest of the charts were along the page in two columns. 
We also liked how the lines on the Cholera Attacks/Deaths chart were marked with points, so it's easy to see where each day on the chart takes place.

Amer Samad

For this design, we really liked the use of the side bar to organize the project and the layout of each page for each part of the visualization 
We also liked the use of points on the chart.
There were details that we really liked as well, such as the use of commas on big numbers on the y-axis of bar chart. 

Dania Azhari

For this design, we liked the use of tab-boxes for the layout of the design.
We really enjoyed the use of check boxes to dynamically change the chart, as well as the changes to the UI, such as the use of a different sans-serif font.
We also really liked the use of different sizes on the map to depict the amount of deaths in that area.

Tarush Vig

We really liked the format for the data on the x-axis of the line chart to clearly show and follow the dates on the chart.
We liked the how the data was separated and grouped, as well as how all the boxes are collapsible, so you can easily remove data you are not interested in from view.
We also enjoyed the details of the title for each chart.
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