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How to Use the Web App

Data Table of Attacks and Deaths

Line Chart of Attacks and Deaths

Data Table of Cholera Toll on Sexes

Bar Charts of Cholera Toll on Sexes

Data Table of UK 1851 Census

Pie Charts of UK 1851 Census

Bar Charts of UK 1851 Census

UK Map of Water Pumps and Death Locations

Pie Charts of Cholera Toll on Sexes

Information about Project Data on Web App

The first set of data visualizations are about the Cholera Attacks and Deaths, as indicated by the title on the top right-hand-side of the box.

This box with two tabs:

  • A table visualization of the data.

  • A line chart visualization of the data. 

The table includes data about cholera attacks and deaths due to cholera on a range of dates, as well as the totals of attacks and deaths on each day.

The table is initially sorted by dates. However, by clicking on a column, the data can be sorted by other columns, too, by clicking the column name.

Each page contains 10 entries of the table, and accessing the next entries on the table can be done by using the page buttons on the bottom right-hand-side. This is done so that the table does not take up too much space on the page.

By accessing the tab called Line Chart, you can see that the line chart includes depictions of attacks and deaths over time, as well as the cumulative attacks and deaths as time goes on.

Above the line chart, I include four checkboxes, which allow you to include or not include different data items that you may or may not want to see in the line chart. I did this because, for example, comparing all the lines can be very different can just comparing two, such as just comparing Attacks to Deaths.

The color scheme for the lines is also consistent with the overall color scheme of the project, which is different shades of reds and blues.

The next set of data visualizations is about Cholera in Naples, as indicated by the title on the top right-hand-side of the box.

This box has three tabs:

  • A table visualization of the data.

  • Pie chart visualizations of the data. 

  • Bar graph visualizations of the data.

The table includes data about cholera in Naples over a range of ages and divided by male data and female data. 

The table is initially sorted by the age ranges. However, by clicking on a column, the data can be sorted by other columns, too, by clicking the column name.

By accessing the tab called Pie Chart, you access the percentages of ages per sex affected by cholera. With this, you can easily see the percentage of ages most affected by cholera. 

The default shows the percentage of males affected with cholera.

However, using the radio buttons on the bottom can allow you to see the females affected, or the percentage of total males affected to total females affected.

By accessing the tab called Bar Chart, you access the percentages of ages per sex affected by cholera in a bar chart format. With this, you can easily see the percentage of ages most affected by cholera. 

The default shows the percentage of males affected with cholera in each age range.

However, using the radio buttons on the bottom can allow you to see the females affected.

The next set of data visualizations is about 1851 UK Census Data, as indicated by the title on the top right-hand-side of the box.

This box has three tabs:

  • A table visualization of the data.

  • Pie chart visualizations of the data. 

  • Bar graph visualizations of the data.

The table includes data about the number of males and females over a range of ages and divided by male data and female data. 

The table is initially sorted by the age ranges. However, by clicking on a column, the data can be sorted by other columns, too, by clicking the column name.

By accessing the tab called Pie Chart, you access and see the percentages of each sex per age in the UK in 1851. 

The default shows the percentage of males in the UK in 1851.

However, using the radio buttons on the bottom can allow you to see the percentages for females, or the percentages of total males vs. total females.

Unfortunately, plotly would not deploy to the site, so the interactive pie charts I created could not be included, although they worked locally :(

By accessing the tab called Bar Chart, you can see a bar chart with the numbers of each sex per the age range, which easily visualizes how much of each age range existed in the UK in 1851.

The default shows the amount of males in the UK in 1851.

However, using the radio buttons on the bottom can allow you to see the females there and then.

Finally we have a box that contains a leaflet map, which includes the locations of the water pumps and the deaths that occurred due to cholera outbreak.

The blue dots indicate the water pumps and the red dots indicate the deaths.

The red death dots are of different sizes, indicating the amount of deaths that occurred in that area. 

By clicking on the red dots, you can see the number of deaths.

If you click on the blue dots, you can see that it's a water pump.

At the very bottom, there is a collapsible box with some information about the project. 

Since it's collapsible, it can be minimized if desired.

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